Tuesday, April 19, 2005

April, 19, 2005

Welcome to our first entry in our blog! We will be posting information that is important to our class. We will post assignments everyday that we can. We hope this is helpful to parents and students.

Assignments for today:
Math- We did an investigation in class no homework. There is an opportunity for extra credit in math on page 575. The students can do a,b, or c by Monday for extra credit.

Spelling - We took a pretest over unit 32. Our words this week are:
childish, pleasant, cubic, adventurous, vigorous, joyous, basic, dramatic, vacant, foolish, energetic, humorous, marvelous, dangerous, mysterious, bluish, stylish, famous, radiant, selfish

Reading- In Mrs. D's class, we finished Maniac Magee and we will take a test on Wednesday. Our journals for this story that we completed after each reading assignment is due on Wednesday.

In Mr. H's class we went to the library and worked on AR.

Social Studies/Science/English - No homework today due to our speakers from the LEAD program and from Lincoln Jr. High.

**Reminder that the informational meeting for parents at Lincoln Jr. High is Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Students should not attend. Parents only!

**A yellow paper went home with the students yesterday asking parents to pick a music class for their child. Band, Choir or General Music are the choices. The counselors at Lincoln need these papers to be able to make a schedule for the students for next year. We need these papers back as soon as possible.

** Next week is a very busy week: We go to the Marshall County Court House for our mock trial on Tuesday, we go to the Symphony on Wednesday and we go to Lincoln for our tour on Friday. We still have a few students that need to turn in permission slips to be allowed to go to the court house and to Lincoln.

Have a great spring day!


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