Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday, December 12, 2005

Happy Monday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: We did an investigation today dealing with different types of patterns. We had a short assignment from Investigation 7. Problems assigned were 3,4,6,8,9,13,15,16,17,19, 20,21,22.

Science: We discussed plant growth today and reasons why plants grow the way that they do. Lesson 4 was read and a work sheet reviewing what we discussed.

Social Studies: Explorers reports are due next Monday! One week to complete this report!

Spelling: We are working on unit 16 this week. Here are the calmer, slimmest, removed, denying, sunnier, wiser, grayest, trimming, denied, interesting, sunniest, trimmed, wisest, removing, grayer, calmest, supplied, slimmer, interested, supplying. We wrote our words three times each today.

English/ Writing: We worked on a project for our pen pals today.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we continued to work with our poetry. Today we talked about rhyming couplets, acrostic poems and concrete poems. Our poetry books will be completed before Christmas break!

In Mr. H's class we concluded Stone Fox by comparing the movie to the book.

Have a great evening!

Can goods need to be brought in for their admittance to the Christmas movie. Also we need donations to our soldiers that we are adopting this Christmas! The deadline for this is Monday! Thanks!


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