Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday, March 24, 2006

Happy Friday and Happy Spring Break!

Here is what we did today:

In Mrs. D's class we finished up our reading activities for the week today. We learned a lot about different occupations and we completed our So Far From Home Tic Tac Toes.

In Mr. H's class we did some reading from our textbook called Hit a Grand Slam. We also took a spelling test and we did a reading comprehension activity.

We began working on our LEAD books today. LEAD stands for Legal Education to Arrest delinquency. This is a program where we do some teaching and a police officer, the prosecutor, and a probation officer all come in at different times and speak to the class about their jobs and what they see and ways that our students can stay out of trouble. This program will continue during the month of April!

We also watched a video titled Friendship Fields. This is a very good video dealing with tolerance and prejudices.

Have a wonderful Spring Break and do not forget to turn the clocks an hour forward on April 2nd!


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