Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: We took a test over items previously taught.

Science: We took a test over chapter 13 and students were allowed to use their study guides!

Social Studies: We discussed Ben Franklin and watched a short video.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we had computer time where we worked on Cornerstone reading and vocabulary. Also, Mrs. D's cousin came to visit and we were allowed to ask questions about his time in Iraq. He was one of the soldiers who we sent a care package to at Christmas time. He gave the students a lot of good information.
In Mr. H's class we read chapters 10 and 11 from Running Out of Time

English/ Writing: We had a writing prompt to complete.

Spelling: We took our pretest for Unit 26 and our workbook pages were assigned and are due on Thursday. Final test will be on Friday.

**Reminder that tomorrow is an inservice day and students will be dismissed at 12:20.

** Reminder that we will be having our entire fifth grade group picture retaken on Thursday morning due to bad quality. The picture was very blurry so they are coming to take it again!

Have a great evening!


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