Monday, April 24, 2006

Monday, April 24, 2006

Happy Monday!

FOG DELAY this morning! So the day was short and quick!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we worked on adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. Problem set 116 was assigned and is due on Tuesday.

Science: We reviewed for our chapter 15 test that we will have on Tuesday.

Social Studies: We had LEAD and we discussed guilt and innocence.

Spelling: Today we wrote our unit 32 words 3 times each. The words this week are: childish, joyous, energetic, bluish, pleasant, basic, humorous, stylish, cubic, dramatic, marvelous, famous, adventurous, vacant, dangerous, radiant, vigorous, foolish, mysterious, selfish. We will have a pretest tomorrow!

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we continued to work on our PhD project.
In Mr. H's class we read chapter 13 in The Art of Keeping Cool.

English/ Writing: We had a writing activity in class.

Have a great evening!


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