Monday, September 19, 2005

Monday, September 19, 2005

Happy Monday!

This is our ISTEP testing week! We begin our tests on Tuesday! Here is what we did today:

Math: We did Investigation 3 from our book dealing with 1/3, 1/5 and 1/8 fractions and the corresponding percents. There was no assignment.

Science: In Mrs. D's class we reviewed our discussion on tissues and organs and did a worksheet reviewing vocabulary and on using pictures with science. These are both due on Tuesday.

In Mr. H's class we watched the Bill Nye video that the other class watched on Friday on muscles and bones.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we continued to read and discuss The City of Ember. Wow what a cool book! We also worked on a paper titled Shipwrecked in Antarctica. This paper dealt with a word study, comprehension and finding facts. This is due on Tuesday.

In Mr. H's class we read from the Wishgiver pages 106-118.

English/Writing: In Mr. H's class we did a writing prompt titled the clueless job. In Mrs. D's class we did a self evaluation writing prompt over how this year is going so far.

Spelling: We will be working on lesson 5 this week. Here are the words:
magic, credit, exist, deposit, staff, direct, splendid, business, sense, discuss, contest, building, swift, interest, exact, promise, habit, thus, active, solve. The book will be due on Friday this week as well as the test.

Social Studies: Our states and capitals to know this week are: South Dakota - Pierre, Delaware - Dover, Florida - Tallahassee, Georgia - Atlanta, Hawaii - Honolulu. The quiz over these will be on Friday.

Have a great evening!


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