Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Happy Wednesday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: We did an investigation today dealing with using protractors. We practiced measuring angles and making angles using our protractors. The students also worked on a math sheet reviewing multiplication.

Science/Health: The students presented their information on one of the five uncomfortable feelings. The completed a worksheet about these feelings as the groups presented.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we read the first part of the story LaBamba from our reading books.

In Mr. H's class we read from the Mixed Up Files finished chapter 8 and began chapter 9.

Social Studies: We discussed from the old textbook lessons 1 and 2 about the Aztecs, Incas, and the Mayans.

Spelling: Workbook pages are due tomorrow.

English/writing: We did a story started titled Last Year. We also worked with linking verbs with a worksheet due tomorrow.

We had fire prevention today and the students were visited by a firefighter from Plymouth. We all went through the fire safe house and discussed what we would do in the case of a fire.

Have a great day!


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