Monday, October 17, 2005

Monday, October 17, 2005

Happy Monday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we discussed dividing and writing our quotients using mixed numbers. We also continued to discuss adding and subtracting fractions, mixed numbers and whole numbers with common denominators. Problem set 43 was assigned and is due on Tuesday.

Science/Health: Mrs. D's class is a little behind so they caught up from Thursday and finished discussing lesson 6 and they have a worksheet that is due on Tuesday. The test for Mrs. D's class will be on Wednesday.
Mr. H's class reviewed for the test and were assigned page 51 (1-15 all and 16,17,22,23) due on Tuesday. They will take their test on Tuesday.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we discussed the vocabulary for The Fear Place and we read the first section in class. We also continued with The People of Sparks as our discussion and read aloud book.

In Mr. H's class we are comparing the book version to the video version of The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. The students had to write a comparison paper describing the similarities+ and differences of the movie and the book.

English/Writing: The students wrote about their feelings on how things are going so far this year.

Spelling: Mrs. D's class list is: thankfulness, usefulness, national, Halloween, homework, broccoli, stadium, varsity, cinnamon, New Orleans. The words that were missed from the pretest were copied three times each for homework.

Mr. H's class list is Halloween, scarecrow, literature, illustrated, government, educational, October, community, rehearsal, celebrate.

Both classes took a pretest today and will take a final test on Tuesday.

*Parent Teacher conferences are today and tomorrow. Do not forget that students are dismissed at 10:45 on Wednesday and Thursday with no school on Friday! Have a great evening!


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