Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Happy Toasty Tuesday! What a beautiful day!

We hope that this bolg is serving some of you well. We would appreciate any comments that you have to make this even better!

Here is what we did today:

Math: We took our last regular test from our textbook series. YEAH!

Spelling: We took a pretest over our list words. Those students who missed zero will have to pick their challenge words by Thursday and have them approved. Remember that the workbook is due on Thursday.

Reading: Mrs. D's class we worked on our "It's Your Choice" reading project. Every student has picked a book and has had it approved. They need to be reading every day. This project is to be completed by Monday, May 23.
Mr. H's class we finished George Washington's Socks and took the AR over the book.

Science/Health: Mr. H's class we finished lesson 3 of chapter 6 talking about reasons why we should never try drugs. The students had a vocabulary worksheet that is due on Wednesday as well as a few questions to answer in their notes.
Mrs. D's class we did not have time for health due to Library and PE. We will catch up on Wednesday.

Social Studies: We finished the video on the Revolutionary War. In Mrs. D's class we also started reading George Washington's Socks. We read chapter 1 together and 2 on our own.

English: We need to continue work on our essay/letters to the current 4th graders. We will be editing them on Wednesday.

Have a great evening!


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