Friday, April 29, 2005

Friday, April 29, 2005

Happy Friday!

We have had an extremely busy week with a crazy Friday! Next week should be a little more normal, if you can have that at this time of the year!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Mrs D's class we did our morning math sheet on graphs and no other assignment today.
Mr. H's class we did Cluebuster 36.

Reading: Mrs. D's class we read in our books: Frindle-chapters 9 & 10, Pinballs - chapters 11-14, Tarantula - chapters 7-9.
Mr. H's class we did a reading worksheet and they went to the library.

English - Mrs. D's class we worked with our first grade buddies creating an undersea mural. *This was a wonderful project to observe. The kids, both 1st and 5th worked so well together and they created some great pieces. They began by looking at books and then they planned out what they each were going to do! The murals are on display outside of the 1st grade classroom!
Mr. H's class worked on a paragraph editing paper.

Science/Health - We did not have time for this due to our trip to the Jr. High.

Social Studies - We watched a video on the Revolutionary War era.

Spelling - We took a spelling test.

*We took our tour of Lincoln Jr. High and we had quite a few siblings of our students as tour guides! We sure do think that this was informative for the students as well as enjoyable!

*Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Thursday, April 28, 2005

What a wonderful concert we attended today! We went to the Morris Center to watch the South Bend Symphony perform for school age children. It was a nice change of pace and our students behaved very well.

Due to the concert and being gone for a good hunk of the day, our assignments are very limited!

Mrs. D's class also had music and PE today so we did not get a lot accomplished in our classroom but we did have a wonderful experience.

Here is what we did accomplish:

Math - No math today

Reading - Mrs D's class - We worked on our three books. Here are the new assignments Frindle - chapters 6-8, Pinballs - chapters 8-10 and Tarantula chapters 5 & 6.
Mr. H's class - George Washington's Socks chapter's 6 & 7. We also did a reading sheet in class.

Health - Mrs. D's class worked on vocabulary for lesson 2 in chapter 6.
Mr. H's class will work on this on Friday.

Social Studies - We did not switch classes today.

Spelling - Test is tomorrow!

*Tomorrow we go and visit the Jr. High.

*Have a great evening!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Happy Wednesday!

* Tomorrow we go to the symphony in South Bend. Please remind your student to dress nicely for this event!

Here are today's assignments:

Math : We did problem set 116 today. In this lesson we worked on adding and subtracting fractions with uncommon denominators. Some students are struggling a little and we will work on it some more as the week goes on .

Reading - In Mrs. D's class we worked on our new books Pinballs - read chapters 3-7, Frindle - read chapters 4 & 5, Tarantula - read chapters 3 &4. Also, each student was to write a paragraph detailing their thoughts on the book that they are reading. Opinions and facts as to why they feel this way!

In Mr. H's class - Read chapters 5 and 6 of George Washington's Socks.

Spelling - The workbook pages are due tomorrow with the test on Friday.

Science/Health - We discussed lesson 1 of chapter 6. The students had questions to answer that were included in their note packets.

Social Studies - We watched a video on the American Revolution.

English - In Mrs. D's class - we looked at and answered questions from the newspaper on our Nancy Drew story.

In Mr. H's class - We did a paragraph correction worksheet.

**We hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Happy Trial Tuesday!

We had a great trip to the court house this morning. Our actors did a nice job for our Mock Trial! I think that the students learned a lot about our legal system from the judge. This is the culminating activity in our LEAD (Legal Education to Arrest Delinquency) program. We hope that everyone learned a lot from our speakers as well as from our visit to the Marshall County Court House.

Here is what we accomplished today:
*Remember we were gone for a good portion of the morning!

Math - We took a test today just like we do after every five lessons.

Spelling - We took a pretest and continued to work on our workbook

Science/ Health - We began Chapter 6 by looking up some vocabulary words that are listed on our note pages.

Social Studies - We discussed pages 293- 297 in our book this lesson detailed the battles of Lexington and Concord.

Reading - Mrs. D's class - We did not have time due to our field trip and PE.

-In Mr. H's class we read the chapter four in George Washington's Socks.

English - We did not have time due to our field trip.

* Well, today flew by and we are sure that they all will at this time of the year!
* Tomorrow should be a "normal" day! The last one for this week! Symphony on Thursday and Lincoln Jr. High visit on Friday.

*We still have a few people who need to turn in their yellow sheets for Lincoln Jr. High. If we do not have these they cannot go with us on the tour on Friday.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday, April 25, 2005

What a sunny Monday! Where was this sun for most of the weekend? We only have 24 days left of school and we have a lot of things to accomplish in those 24 days!

Here are today's assignments:

Math - Problem set 115 - this lesson discussed finding area of shapes that combine more than one rectangle. We will have a test tomorrow.

Reading - In Mrs. D's class - We began new novels today. The students had a choice of books. They could choose from: Frindle, The Pinballs, and The Tarantula in My Purse. Each book had a reading assignment for today. Frindle -chapters 1-3
The Pinballs - Pages 1-20
The Tarantula - Pages 1-17
Ask your child which book they picked and what they think so far!

In Mr. H's class - George Washington's Socks - chapter 3.
* We did a cluebuster for some extra math practice!

Health/Science - We watched a Bill Nye the Science Guy video. Ask your child about pollution.

Social Studies - We worked on LEAD, the students need to read the story Jeff Goes to Court in their LEAD books.

Spelling - We began lesson 33 today. The students wrote their words three times each today. Here are the words for this week:
delight, exit, public, increase, freedom, lengthen, backward, liberty, narrow, eastern, entire, western, decrease, private, whole, extend, forward, pleasure, entrance, slender
We will have a pretest over these words on Tuesday and any student who misses zero on the pretest will pick their own challenge words. Also, workbook pages 200-201-202-203 are due on Thursday.

English - We had a visit today by Mrs. B (Mr. H's student teacher) so during this time we had a little party and got to meet her new baby.

**Reminder - We will be going to the Marshall County Court House tomorrow. If your child has a part in our mock trial please remind them to dress the part. They will learn a lot during this experience.

** Have a great night!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Friday, April 22, 2005

Happy Friday!

*Wow, what a temperature change! We are glad to see the students dressing for the weather. Until our nice weather returns do not forget to remind your students to bring a jacket for outside!

Here are today's assignments:

Math - Problem set 114 - Story Problems with no answer or multiple answers.

Science/Health - We took a test over chapter 5 and turned in vocabulary.

Spelling - We took a test over lesson 32.

Reading - Mrs. D's class - we read with our 1st grade buddies and did another chapter in Nancy Drew (Newspaper's in Education). We had some questions to answer on what we read today.

Mr. H's class - George Washington's Socks Read chapters 1 & 2.

English - We wrote cards for Mrs. B

Social Studies - We had LEAD and discussed pages 19-23. We continued our discussion on the Boston Tea Party.

*Next week is our busy week, Monday - Mr. H's student teacher from this Fall will visit, Tuesday - Mock Trial, Thursday - Symphony Trip, and Friday - Lincoln Jr. High visit. Wow, what a week.

* We hope you all have a delightful weekend. Try to stay warm and dry.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Happy Thursday!

*Wow, do we have some talent here at Menominee! I sat through and watched the tryouts last night for our Talent Show! It was fun to see all of those wonderful acts!

Our assignments today are:

Math: Problem set 113 - changing mixed numbers to improper fractions. Due on Friday. Ask your child to show you the Decimal Slide! This is a useful reminder of what to do when multiplying or dividing by decimals and powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000).

Science/Health : We reviewed for our test today and the students have a review assignment due on Friday. The test is Friday and vocabulary for chapter 5 is due also on Friday.

Reading: Mrs. D's class - we did a small reading activity today and most students finished in class. We will be starting a new book on Monday!

Mr. H's class - We began reading George Washington's Socks Chapter 1

Social Studies - We discussed the Revolutionary War - Taxation without representation.

English - The student's were asked to write a newspaper article discussing the Boston Tea Party from the point of view of someone who lived during that era.

Spelling - Workbook pages were turned in and our test is on Friday.

*We hope that everyone adjusts to the cooler temperatures that are supposed to happen this week! Remind your child to bring a jacket because they will be cold during recess if they do not!

*Help all students to remember to practice good choices during this final grading period. We want them to have good memories of 5th grade not memories of angry teachers.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

April 20, 2005

Happy Wednesday! Assignments for today are:

Math: Problem set 112 - due on Thursday

Spelling: Pages 196-197-198 in workbook are due on Thursday

Reading: Mrs. D's class took a test and turned in journals
Mr. H's class we are beginning a new novel.

English: We did our last hour writing prompt, YEAH!

Health: We finished chapter 5 lesson 6 today. We will have a test on Friday over chapter 5.

Social Studies: LEAD p. 20-22 and continue "The Beginnings" of the Revolutionary War.

**Do not forget that the parent meeting at Lincoln Jr. High is tonight at 7:00p.m.

**Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

April, 19, 2005

Welcome to our first entry in our blog! We will be posting information that is important to our class. We will post assignments everyday that we can. We hope this is helpful to parents and students.

Assignments for today:
Math- We did an investigation in class no homework. There is an opportunity for extra credit in math on page 575. The students can do a,b, or c by Monday for extra credit.

Spelling - We took a pretest over unit 32. Our words this week are:
childish, pleasant, cubic, adventurous, vigorous, joyous, basic, dramatic, vacant, foolish, energetic, humorous, marvelous, dangerous, mysterious, bluish, stylish, famous, radiant, selfish

Reading- In Mrs. D's class, we finished Maniac Magee and we will take a test on Wednesday. Our journals for this story that we completed after each reading assignment is due on Wednesday.

In Mr. H's class we went to the library and worked on AR.

Social Studies/Science/English - No homework today due to our speakers from the LEAD program and from Lincoln Jr. High.

**Reminder that the informational meeting for parents at Lincoln Jr. High is Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Students should not attend. Parents only!

**A yellow paper went home with the students yesterday asking parents to pick a music class for their child. Band, Choir or General Music are the choices. The counselors at Lincoln need these papers to be able to make a schedule for the students for next year. We need these papers back as soon as possible.

** Next week is a very busy week: We go to the Marshall County Court House for our mock trial on Tuesday, we go to the Symphony on Wednesday and we go to Lincoln for our tour on Friday. We still have a few students that need to turn in permission slips to be allowed to go to the court house and to Lincoln.

Have a great spring day!