Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday, March 24, 2006

Happy Friday and Happy Spring Break!

Here is what we did today:

In Mrs. D's class we finished up our reading activities for the week today. We learned a lot about different occupations and we completed our So Far From Home Tic Tac Toes.

In Mr. H's class we did some reading from our textbook called Hit a Grand Slam. We also took a spelling test and we did a reading comprehension activity.

We began working on our LEAD books today. LEAD stands for Legal Education to Arrest delinquency. This is a program where we do some teaching and a police officer, the prosecutor, and a probation officer all come in at different times and speak to the class about their jobs and what they see and ways that our students can stay out of trouble. This program will continue during the month of April!

We also watched a video titled Friendship Fields. This is a very good video dealing with tolerance and prejudices.

Have a wonderful Spring Break and do not forget to turn the clocks an hour forward on April 2nd!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Happy Thursday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we took our 6 weeks computation test over skills taught in 5th grade.

Science: We watched a Bill Nye video on Momentum.

Social Studies: We continued our discussion of March Madness.

English/Writing: We had a writing activity .

Spelling: We turned in our workbook pages and we will have a test tomorrow.

Reading: In Mrs. D's room we continued our occupation readings. These are due on Friday as well as the Tic Tac Toe sheets.

In Mr. H's room we read a story in our text book called Bill Peet.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we worked on reducing fractions and adding fractions. The students had a worksheet to complete on each topic. If they did not finish during class then they are due tomorrow.

Science: Today we used our study guides from yesterday and took a test over chapter 14.

Social Studies: We had an open book test over chapter 7. Then we began discussing chapter 8 dealing with the French and Indian war.

Spelling: Workbook pages over unit 28 are due tomorrow and test will be on Friday.

English/Writing: We completed a writing activity dealing with explaining the steps to do something. We also did a paragraph correction sheet.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we continued to work on our occupation reading activities and our So Far From Home Tic Tac Toe papers are due on Friday.

In Mr. H's class we read Langston Terrace from our textbook pages 574-578. We also had computer class today.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today in math we continued to review skills that we have been working on. Today we worked on subtracting fractions, mutiplying fractions, dividing whole numbers and multiplying whole numbers as well as estimation. NO HOMEWORK!

Science: Today we reviewed for our science test over chapter 14. The students have a study guide to help them tonight.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we began to work on some readings dealing with different occupations. The students will be choosing different articles to read and to answer questions about this week.
In Mr. H's class we are reading from our text book the story Elena page 550-562.

Spelling: Today we took a spelling pretest over unit 28 and our workbook pages were assigned. The workbook pages are due on Thursday and the final test will be on Friday.

English/Writing: We did our NCAA predictions today. We were predicting using colors.

Social Studies: We had to answer questions on the Southern colonies on page 253 in the book.

Have a wonderful evening!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy Monday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today in math we reviewed skills that we are having trouble with like subtracting decimals, adding and dividing fractions. We will continue to review different skills tomorrow. No homework tonight.

Science: Today we watched a Bill Nye video on Energy. We will have a test over chapter 14 Energy on Wednesday.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we listened to Children of the Lamp and we spent some time working on questions and activities from So Far From Home.
In Mr. H's class we read a story from the textbook called Black Cowboy Wild Horses beginning on page 523 - 540.

Social Studies: Today we read about Southern Cities in our textbook 248-251.

Spelling: Today we wrote our unit 28 words 5 times each. We will have a pretest tomorrow. Our words this week are: generous, message, stranger, grudge, margin, energy, oxygen, genius, college, lodge, imagine, stingy, apology, gentleman, arrange, pledge, region, damage, ledger, average. The workbook pages will be due on Thursday and the final test will be on Friday.

English/Writing: We had a writing activity titled "I'll Pay You Back!"

Have a great evening!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today in math we did some St. Patrick's Day math.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we listened to the story that Mr. G has been reading and we had a going away doughnut and milk for Mr. G. We also did some St. Patrick's day activities.
In Mr. H's class we listened to Monster of the Year.

Science/Health: We had the "talk" today where the boys were in one room and the girls were in another room. Our school nurse spoke with the girls while Mr. H and Mr. G spoke with the boys.

Social Studies: We continued to discuss March Madness.

Spelling: We took our test over unit 27.

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy Thursday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we took a test.

Science: Today we discussed lesson 4 in chapter 14 dealing with energy.

Spelling: Our workbook pages were handed in today. The test will be on Friday.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we worked on completing the book So Far From Home.
In Mr. H's class we read the story Pioneer Girl from our textbook and answered some comprehension questions from the story.

English/Writing: We had paragraph corrections.

Social Studies: Lesson 2 chapter 7 dealing with Southern Plantations.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we discussed Problem set 110 was assigned and is due on Thursday. We will have a test over skills previously taught.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we are finishing the book So Far From Home. The questions are due on Monday and the students were given a tic tac toe page that will be due on Friday, March 24th.

In Mr. H's class we read a story from the textbook called A Boy Called Slow.

Science: Today we will be discussing reflection, refraction and transmission of light. The students need to read lesson 4 for tomorrow.

Social Studies: March madness continues. We also read from our textbooks pages 224-229, 232-239 lesson 1 chapter 7 Southern Plantations.

Spelling: Workbook pages are due on Thursday and the final test will be on Friday.

English/writing: We had a story starter in class.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we discussed mutiplying decimal numbers. Problem set 108 was assigned and is due on Wednesday.

Science: Today we discussed lesson 2 dealing with sound. The students are to read lesson 3 for tomorrow.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we did an activity in the computer lab dealing with St. Patrick's Day. We also listened to the Children of the lamp book.
In Mr. H's class we finished the book Running Out of Time. We took a quiz and also had a writing activity dealing with this.

Spelling: We took a pretest and the workbook pages are assigned and are due on Thursday.

Social Studies: March Madness has begun! We discussed this and worked on filling out our brackets.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday, March 13, 2006

Happy Monday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we looked at reading schedules. Problem set 108 was assigned and is due on Tuesday.

Science: Today we discussed lesson one about potential and kinetic energy. The students are to read lesson two for tomorrow!

Spelling: Unit 27 will be our lesson this week. The words are: bimonthly, midday, semicircle, trisect, bicycle, midterm, semifinal , midair, semiannual, midaftenoon, semicolon, bisect, tricycle, midnight, bifocals, semisweet, triangle, biweekly, midland, semiformal. We wrote our words five times each today. We will have a pretest on Tuesday and our workbook pages are due on Thursday.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we read from So Far from Home pages 86-109. We had questions to answer that are due on Thursday.
In Mr. H's class we read chapters 20-22 from Off and Running.

English/Writing: We did a writing prompt.

Social Studies: We discussed March Madness and the latest project that we will be working on this month.

Have a wonderful evening!

Go Big Red!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Friday, March 10, 2006

Happy Friday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we discussed percentages. Problem set 107 was assigned and is due on Monday.

Reading: In Mr. H's class we read chapters 16-17-18 in Running Out of Time. We also took a quiz over the first 5 chapters.
In Mrs. D's class we listened to Mr. G read to us and we discussed the story together. We also had library time today.

Spelling: We took a test over unit 26.

Social Studies: We discussed the 1960's and the 1980's.

We also finished a video on Galileo in Mrs. D's class.

Have a great evening!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Happy Thursday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we discussed comparing and ordering decimals and fractions. Problem set 106 was assigned and is due on Friday.

Science: Today we began discussing chapter 14. The students are to read lesson 1 and do a review worksheet.

Spelling: We turned in our spelling books and our final test will be on Friday.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we read from So Far From Home pages 73-86. We had a discussion about what we have read so far and we did some predictions.
In Mr. H's class we read chapters 14-15-16 from Running Out of Time.

English/Writing: Today we did a writing activity from our spelling. We also had a paragraph correction sheet.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

Here is what we did today:

Today was an early release day so we had a different day.

In Mrs. D's class we listened to a story, we read pages 49-66 in our book So Far From Home. We had music class and we watched a video on energy. Spelling books are due on Thursday.

In Mr. H's class we had art and computer class, we watched a video on energy and in reading we read chapters 12 and 13 in Running Out of Time. Also spelling books are due on Thursday.

Have a great evening

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: We took a test over items previously taught.

Science: We took a test over chapter 13 and students were allowed to use their study guides!

Social Studies: We discussed Ben Franklin and watched a short video.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we had computer time where we worked on Cornerstone reading and vocabulary. Also, Mrs. D's cousin came to visit and we were allowed to ask questions about his time in Iraq. He was one of the soldiers who we sent a care package to at Christmas time. He gave the students a lot of good information.
In Mr. H's class we read chapters 10 and 11 from Running Out of Time

English/ Writing: We had a writing prompt to complete.

Spelling: We took our pretest for Unit 26 and our workbook pages were assigned and are due on Thursday. Final test will be on Friday.

**Reminder that tomorrow is an inservice day and students will be dismissed at 12:20.

** Reminder that we will be having our entire fifth grade group picture retaken on Thursday morning due to bad quality. The picture was very blurry so they are coming to take it again!

Have a great evening!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday, March 6, 2006

Happy Monday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we discussed symmetry, reflectional and rotational. Problem set 105 was assigned and is due on Tuesday. We will have a test on Tuesday as well.

Science: Today we reviewed chapter 13. We will have a test on Tuesday.

Spelling: Unit 26 is this weeks list. The words are are: soldiers, pianos, essays, chiefs, treaties, countries, luggage, skis, characters, badges, valleys, palaces, beliefs, gentlemen, latches, envelopes, loaves, groceries, heroes, diaries.
We wrote our words 5 times each and will have a pretest on Tuesday.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we started a new book So Far From Home we read through page 37 today.
In Mr. H's class we read from Running Out of Time chapters 7 - 9.

English/Writing: We worked on letters to our pen pals.

Social Studies: We watched a quiz time video about Colonial Time period.

Have a great evening!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday, March 3, 2006

Happy Friday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: We discussed rounding decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. Problem set 104 was assigned and is due on Monday.

Spelling: We took our final test over unit 25.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we worked on workbook page 334 together and worked on pages 335-336 as an assignment. We also visited our first grade buddies and the library today.

In Mr. H's class we read from Running Out of Time chapters 5 and 6. We also did a comprehension worksheet.

Social Studies: We took an end of the chapter quiz and took a look at our projects.

Science: We watched a video on Galileo.

English/writing: For Mr. H's class we did an writing activity.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thursday, March 3, 2006

Happy Thursday!

Here is what we did today:

Math: Today we discussed volume. Problem set 103 was assigned and is due on Friday.

Science: We discussed simple machines today. Our science packets were due today.

Reading: In Mrs. D's class we

In Mr. H's class we read chapters 3 and 4 from Running Out of Time.

Social Studies: We read pages 218-227 in our textbook dealing with Philadelphia the early colony.

Spelling: We turned in our workbook pages and we will have our final test on Friday.

English/Writing: We did a writing activity from our spelling book.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

Here is what we did today:

Today was a busy day! We took two of our new Benchmark tests today. These tests are used to test skills that have been taught so far this semester. This took quite a bit of time today. We also held our classroom store for the last grading period.

In Mrs. D's class we had reading and we discussed different heritages and cultures. We began a story in our reading textbook called Yang the Second and the Secret Admirers. We also had music this morning and completed our normal morning work.

In Mr. H's class we had art, computer and we worked on the test.

What a mixed up but good day!